CleanSYS monitors the air pollutants emitted from stacks in real time to prevent air pollution by online.
improve the local air environment by controlling air pollutants emission.
promote science-based environmental administration by utilizing collected data as basic data of air environment policy making.
CleanSYS is the most efficient system to manage air pollutants emission.
CleanSYS covers about 90% emission amount of sources over 10 tons/year air pollutants emission.
While the number of stacks has doubled for 10 years, emission amount per stack has been cut in half.
37 types of stacks over 10 tons/year air pollutants emission including power plant, boiler, incinerator and ect.(specified Annex 3 of the Clean Air Conversation Act, Enforcement Decree)
7 Pollutants : Dust, SO2, NOX, HCl, HF, NH3, CO
3 other items : O2, Temp, Flow
Clean Air Conservation Act, Article 32
Clean Air Conservation Act, Enforcement Decree, Article 17, Article 19